zeitgeschichte 1/12

zeitgeschichte 1/12

Impacts and Images: The Challenges and Limitations of U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Austria and Germany

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  • 72 Seiten,
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This special volume of Zeitgeschichte is one of the outcomes of “Impacts: Does Academic Exchange Matter?”, an international conference that took place in November 2010 in Vienna as part of the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Fulbright Program in Austria. The essays in this volume – chosen from among almost 30 presentations – focus predominantly on Austrian and German perspectives of U.S. cultural diplomacy in the immediate postwar era.


Lonnie R. Johnson/Thomas König/Margit Reiter/Sonja Wentling
Editorial note

Christian H. Stifter
Paradigms of U.S. Reorientation and Cultural Exchange Programs in Austria in the Early Stages of the Cold War, 1946–1949

George Blaustein
Why American Civilization? American Literature and Academic Exchange in Occupied Europe

Christina Schwartz
Back to the Roots – and Beyond: The Importance of International Exchange in German University Rectors’ Speeches, 1945–1950

Reinhild Kreis
Full Partner or Apprentice of Democratization? The Persistence of American Democratization Policies
in West Germany after 1955

Helga Embacher
“The Third Man,” “Sissi,” and Nazi Crimes – Images of Austria in the United States as a Challenge
facing Austrian Diplomacy




zeitgeschichte 1/12
Impacts and Images: The Challenges and Limitations of U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Austria and Germany