Europe on Trial

David Tréfas

Europe on Trial

Shortcomings of the EU with regard to democracy, public sphere, and identity
  • Reihe: Europäische Geschichte und Öffentlichkeit - eine Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Europäische Geschichte und Öffentlichkeit
    Alle Titel der Reihe

  • Band: 5

29,90 *

  • lieferbar
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-4861-8
  • 176 Seiten, gebunden

The volume examines the connection between public spheres and identity, with regards to the increasing shift of the political powers from national states to the EU. The authors seek to understand whether and to which extent a European public sphere and a European identity has been constituted.

  • * Preis inkl. Mehrwertsteuer.
  • Wir liefern in die EU und die Schweiz. Der Versand ist kostenlos ab EUR 50,-. Ansonsten betragen die Versandkosten EUR 5,-

The rejection of the referenda concerning the Constitutional Treaty of Europe in France and the Netherlands in 2005 showed that European integration is hampered by shortcomings in a common public sphere, democracy, and identity. The present volume explores these deficits. Newest results of empirical research show that the idea of European integration has spread within the elites but that it has not yet reached the masses.

David Tréfás, Dr., studied history, German literature, and political science at the universities of Basel, Freiburg i.Br., and Budapest. In his PhD thesis he analysed Swiss-Hungarian relations between 1945 and 1956. He was manager of a project concerning European identity and European public sphere at the “fög” – Research Centre for public sphere and society at the University of Zurich. Currently, he is a subject librarian at the university library in Basel.
Jens Lucht, Dr., studied law and political science at the University of Freiburg i.Br. and in his PhD thesis examined public media broadcasting in Germany and the UK. He was manager of a project concerning European identity and European public sphere at the “fög” – Research Centre for public sphere and society at the University of Zurich. Currently, he manages a project on “Democracy in the Media Society“ within the NCCR (National Competence Center for Research).


David Tréfas
Europe on Trial
Shortcomings of the EU with regard to democracy, public sphere, and identity
  • Reihe: Europäische Geschichte und Öffentlichkeit - eine Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Europäische Geschichte und Öffentlichkeit
    Alle Titel der Reihe
  • Band: 5
  • 29,90 *
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-4861-8
  • 176 Seiten, gebunden
  • Erscheinungstermin: 01.08.2010
  • lieferbar
  • Cover herunterladen (300 dpi)
Contributors: Georg Kreis (Europainstitut University of Basel), Kurt Imhof (Research Field Public Sphere and Society, University of Zürich), Wolfgang Schmale (University of Vienna), Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zürich), Dr. Cathleen Kantner (Freie Universität Berlin), Frank Nullmeier (University of Bremen), Steffen Schneider (University of Bremen), Andreas Hepp (University of Bremen), Jens Lucht (Research Field Public Sphere and Society, University of Zürich), David Tréfás (Europainstitut University of Basel).