Challenges in Teacher Education

Regula Kyburz-Graber, Peter Posch, Ursula Peter

Challenges in Teacher Education

29,90 *

  • lieferbar
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-1902-1
  • 182 Seiten,

This book provides insight into current developments of interdisciplinary environmental education in teacher education and action research in this field.

  • * Preis inkl. Mehrwertsteuer.
  • Wir liefern in die EU und die Schweiz. Der Versand ist kostenlos ab EUR 50,-. Ansonsten betragen die Versandkosten EUR 5,-

Re-orienting teacher education towards the demands of modern society is a challenging issue in many countries of the world.

This book provides insight into current developments of interdisciplinary environmental education in teacher education and action research in this field. It builds on experiences of the „Environment and School Initiatives“ (ENSI) project, an international government-based network under the umbrella of the OECD.

Examples from Australia, Austria, Hungary, South Africa, and Switzerland show possibilities for the cooperation of schools, teacher education, and research. The country studies may encourage others to start up with their own initiatives and to evaluate their progress.

Regula Kyburz-Graber, Peter Posch, Ursula Peter
Challenges in Teacher Education
  • 29,90 *
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-1902-1
  • 182 Seiten,
  • Erscheinungstermin: 17.09.2003
  • lieferbar
  • Cover herunterladen (300 dpi)