The Various Faces of Reality

The Various Faces of Reality

Values in News (Agency) Journalism

29,90 *

  • lieferbar
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-1822-2
  • 136 Seiten,

The wide range of the articles – from the origins of journalism and „news visionaries“ during the 20th century up to journalism after World War II and during the Cold War – provides an excellent insight into the history of newsmaking.

  • * Preis inkl. Mehrwertsteuer.
  • Wir liefern in die EU und die Schweiz. Der Versand ist kostenlos ab EUR 50,-. Ansonsten betragen die Versandkosten EUR 5,-

The concept of „true and unbiased news“ is an undisputed ideal of serious news journalism worldwide and therefore the basic principle for news agencies in all democratic societies. However, it took a long time until modern news agencies were established. The articles in this book discuss this fascinating process. They are based on the symposium „The Various Faces of Reality“, reflecting the development of „Values in News (Agency) Journalism“ between institutional constraints and visions of press freedom.

The wide range of the articles – from the origins of journalism and „news visionaries“ during the 20th century up to journalism after World War II and during the Cold War – provides an excellent insight into the history of newsmaking. Additionally, the book contributes to the current discussion about different forms of organisation of news agencies (especially in CEE-countries), based on a historical analysis of various structures of news agencies and their development. You can also find a discussion of high-ranking participants at the Journalistic Matinee on „‚True and Unbiased News‘ in Times of ‚Good‘ and ‚Evil‘ – News Writing after September 11“.


Edith Dörfler, Wolfgang Vyslozil: Introduction
Siegfried Weischenberg: What News Do We Need? Annotations on the reality of journalism
Wolfgang Duchkowitsch: Mr. „Z’s“ Good and Bad Memories. Contemplative travels through the history of institutional communications in Vienna from 1621 to 1851
Wolfgang Pensold: On the History of Governmental Policies for News Agencies in Austria
Philomen Schönhagen: On The Development of the Impartiality Maxim in German Journalism
Louis D. Boccardi: Kent Cooper – News Visionary
Edith Dörfler,Wolfgang Pensold: An Independent News Agency for Austria. From the Official News Agency to Austria Presse Agentur
Jürgen Wilke: News Values in Transformation? About the Anglo-American Influence on Post-war Journalism
Michael Nelson: Fighters for Freedom of Information: Why did the West Win the Cold War?
Terhi Rantanen, Oliver Boyd-Barrett: State News Agencies: A Time for Re-Evaluation?
Oliver Boyd-Barrett: Towards the „New Model“ News Agencies
Johann P. Fritz : East European News Agencies and the Transition to Democracy
Journalistic Matinee

The Various Faces of Reality
Values in News (Agency) Journalism
  • 29,90 *
  • ISBN 978-3-7065-1822-2
  • 136 Seiten,
  • Erscheinungstermin: 19.12.2002
  • lieferbar
  • Cover herunterladen (300 dpi)